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Simple Changes You Can Make In Your Purchase For A Sustainable Living

Discover how The Eco-Statement makes circular design a way of life in Singapore

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Sangeeta Nair, Founder of The Eco-Statement

Photo Credit: The Eco-Statement's Official Website

"My wish for progress for environment sustainability is that ‘sustainable/circular design products’ become as viral as the next luxury handbag or iPhone or statement item."

Sangeeta Nair

Founder, The Eco-Statement

Sangeeta Nair tells the story behind The Eco-Statement - a social enterprise that strives to promote the importance of environmental conservation through conducting informative and engaging talks, workshops and events, as well as through the curations of a wide range of sustainable products. From green and environmentally friendly partyware to houseware!

The founder tells her personal story about how the sea of lush greenery back in the humble little town she used to come from had to give way to earth-coloured concrete buildings and industrial landscapes. She vividly remembered how the people around her were calling this change before her eyes ‘development and progress’. She could not comprehend.

Later on, in search of livelihood, she was forced to move out of this comfortable small town which she deemed home to big urban cities where she was greeted by even more blocks of concrete buildings and bright, beautiful city skylights. Despite all of those, the lush greenery and slow-paced life that she was accustomed to was still what she longs for the most.

As the world continues to ‘develop and progress’ rapidly, she started to realise that she has inched further and further away from the good, green old days. However, this did not stop her from her journey towards being a change-maker and fight for Mother Earth.

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The Eco-Statement's Green Tableware

Photo Credit: The Eco-Statement's Official Website

To inspire the local adoption of a more sustainable lifestyle, she founded The Eco-Statement in hope to provide our local community with quality, green sustainable products so that they can truly transform their environmental knowledge into real actions!

Quit waiting! It is time for you to also do your part and make a change! Check out what The Eco-Statement has in store for you and switch over to purchasing these greener options that they have specially curated!

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