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Customer Testimonials & Feedback

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Over the years, SourceSage has the privilege to serve our clients across different companies and they have left a huge impact in improving our services and technology. Here are some of the key highlights out of few hundred feedback from our clients worldwide across different countries.

 "Your guy is very helpful. Lets say this SHORT NOTICE order will never go thru without his dedication. It makes 200 personnel happier. Big THANKS to him." - Abdul

 "Just wanna say thank you to Sourcesage team for being my Doreamon in getting the things I want no matter the order is big or small. Most of the time they will go way beyond their working hours just to update us on our orders which is truly recommendable. Never had any hiccup from them.  What I like most about Sourcesage is basically u just google what you want, send the images to them, and tadaaaaaa you will have it." - Luqman

 "SourceSage was able to source a caterer for me even though the request was sent out at the last minute. Upon understanding our needs, he was able to source at caterer for our organization." - Nurazlan

 "Staff from SourceSage was responsive. They liaised with me closely on my products requirement and she was able to source the items at a good price (slightly cheaper than what I had sourced) and made it to my required lead-time.  I am happy with their service." - Mui

 "They are very efficient in handling the orders. I have difficulty in ensuring that my orders are within the budget set aside but however they included the drinks which was not ordered initially and she promised me to keep it within the budget I had. Speechless. <3  " - Rick


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