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Best Chicken Wings In Town!

June 23, 2020

Tables laden with delicacies line the walls. Everything you can think of, and things you have dreamed of, lie in wait. Chicken wings are still hot and tender. Huge platters of Bee Hoon and Kway Teow Mee stuffed with Taiwan sausages and luncheon meat. Fishcakes drizzled in chili sauce or begging to be dipped in spicy concoctions. Countless eggs, Otahs, Cabbages, Long beans and fried tofus streams of spirits that ooze with aroma. 

Photo Credits: Eng Kee Chicken Wings

Photo Credits: Eng Kee Chicken Wings

I licked his fleshy lips and grabbed a handful of oily h’ors devoures from the 'Build Your Own Meal' set from Eng Kee Chicken Wings. They are fried chicken wings, fried to a crisp. I placed a pile of chicken wings on my plate and drenched them in creamy, sweet chili sauce. My pudgy hand clenched the oil soaked wing and stuffed them into my mouth. I licked my fingers, smeared with chili sauce and oil, then crunched an Otah leaf wrap, attempting to take off the leaves. I snatched a large Otah accompanied by a chunk of Bee Hoon. I saturated them in the rich, sweet chili sauce and popped it into my mouth. The amount was too full to chew with my mouth closed, not that I was concerned. I then dabbed my fleshy cheeks with a delicate napkin before giving off a light burp. 

Eng Kee Chicken Wings is truly my go to eatery. :)

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