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Train To Become A Barista!

At Parchmen Academy of Coffee And Tea Private Limited...

School Motto

At Parchmen Academy, they serve to pay homage to the farmers by producing great aromatic coffee.

​"An ancient Chinese poem says it all - very few know the hard work of the farmer who toils in the field ("鋤禾日當午,汗滴禾下土。 誰知盤中飧,粒粒皆辛苦)."

- Parchmen Academy​

Since farmers toil to provide the basis of a good coffee, baristas are duly responsible to uphold and perfect the craft of brewing a coffee, so as not to let the efforts of the farmers go to waste. This is the correct kind of attitude Parchmen Academy hope to inculcate in their fellow learners.

School Objectives

Parchmen Academy hopes to not only provide a great apprenticeship experience to produce great baristas, they also aim rto inculcate some values:

1. Good coffees and teas can be enjoyed on their own, and usually does not require sweetening or blending. Enjoy them "neat" just like whisky and build a relationship with them, before deciding on whether their tastes can be enhanced via sweetening or blending.

2. Tasting is a science and an art that can be learnt with patience. 

3. Great tasting alcohols should be savoured slowly and not wasted.

So if being a barista is your dream, sign up with Parchmen Academy today!

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